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Nor'West Newspapers, operated by Haynes Publishing Company and the Haynes family, is dedicated to bringing quality newspapers to northwest Kansas with publications in Bird City, Colby, Goodland, Oberlin, Norton and Saint Francis.

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Nor'West Newspapers have won the Burton Marvin Award from Kansas University for News Enterprise, the Victor Murdock Award for outstanding journalistic standards from Kansas Press Association, Frank and Mamie Boyd Community Service Award from Kansas Press and Editorial Excellence, Photography and Community Service Awards from the National Newspaper Association. The Colby Free-Press, The Goodland Star-News and St. Francis Herald recently won NNA Photography awards.

Plus annually numerous individual newspaper awards have been received from the Kansas Press for photography, layout, news reporting, sports reporting, general writing excellence and editorial writing.



Our 4-day a week newspaper is the Colby Free Press. The company has three weekly and two semi-weekly newspapers

The Oberlin Herald, The Saint Francis Herald and the Bird City Times are the weekly papers

and The Goodland Star-News and The Norton Telegram are the semi-weekly papers.

Nor'West publishes The Country Advocate, a free shopper which reaches more than 19,000 households across 10 counties in northwest Kansas and into eastern Colorado, reaching from Hoxie to Burlington, Colo., and from Oberlin to Norton and Oakley to Sharon Springs.

For information about Nor'West Newspapers, to place an ad or to inquire about job opportunities, call

The Oberlin Herald (785) 475-2206; Colby Free Press (785) 462-3963; The Goodland Star-News (785) 899-2338; The Saint Francis Herald (785) 332-3162; and The Norton Telegram (785) 877-3361.

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This site is maintained by nwkansas.com. Please contact Tom Betz with questions or comments.